शॉन ब्राउन (चार्टर्ड अकाउंटेंट)

निदेशक एवं वित्तीय सलाहकार

How’s this for stickability? Aman, originally from Punjab, India, had already gained a Bachelor of Commerce degree (GNDU, Amritsar) and was working towards the equivalent chartered accountancy qualification when he moved to New Zealand in 2004.

But he had to begin the whole study process again in New Zealand to meet this country’s recognised and rigid standards. To get restarted, Aman worked for years in the agricultural industry in accounting and administrative roles before taking up fulltime studies. He now has Bachelor of Business, a post graduate Professional Accounting qualification and is a New Zealand qualified chartered accountant. At Oldershaw, he specialises in auditing.

Aman speaks Hindi, Punjabi and, of course, English. But don’t jump to the conclusion he’ll share great Indian culinary advice. His kids think he’s best to stick with accounting rather than cooking advice but they do acknowledge his building and renovating skills are admirably detailed and meticulous.

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